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Throne of Magic (Heiress of Magic Trilogy Book 3) Page 25

  Aria will face repercussions for the actions she took to help Surah. Left alone in the human world, Aria will have to create a life for herself, but Grant City is a dangerous place, with dark secrets of its own.

  Many readers don’t know this, but all of the series I’ve written are loosely connected. The stories overlap, and the characters often make appearances in the stories of other characters. In fact, Surah Stormsong first shows up in The Alexa Montgomery Saga, just as Aria makes her first appearance in Surah’s story.

  So, if you enjoyed this series, and are looking for more like it, I encourage you to take a look at the “Also by H. D. Gordon” page in the back of this book.

  Or just keep reading for a sneak peek at Aria’s story: The Halfling (The Aria Fae Series: Book 1).

  I hope it’s all rainbows and sunshine wherever you are.


  H. D. Gordon

  Copyright © 2016 H. D. Gordon

  Published by H. D. Gordon Books

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  For my dearest daughters, Soraya and Akira, because the world needs more glorification of amazing women, and I’m proud to have produced two of them


  Life had been admittedly difficult to live as of late, but that didn’t mean I wanted to get shredded to pieces and eaten by a monster.

  In fact, I wasn’t sure I could think of a worse way to go. So I ran. I ran like the love child of Forrest Gump and Bruce Jenner. I ran for my life. It was fitting, I supposed, as I’d started this story out running, that I should end it that way as well.

  I was fast, of course, but the beast was faster.

  It was gaining on me; I could feel its hot breath against my back. The whole world became the chase, just me and the creature coming after me. Nothing existed outside of that. My mind could go no further than to tell me to move. The factory lights were bright above me, but I was lost in the darkness, perhaps had been for a while, but only now could see so.

  My arms and legs pumped, my breath tearing in and out of my lungs. Terrible pain exploded across my back as the beast’s sharp claws cut through my jacket and ripped through my skin. I cried out in pain, stumbling, nearly falling, but somehow kept my feet.

  To fall now would mean certain death.

  I ran, but knew I could not keep it up much longer. I couldn’t leave here without her… but it seemed I was unable to save her, and thus, I would likely not leave here at all.

  How had things gotten so dire so quickly? How was it that I was going to die before ever seeing eighteen, or graduating from high school… or falling in love for the first time?

  And worse, so was she, because I couldn’t save her, because I was too weak to save her.

  Terrified as I was, I could not run much longer. That left only the option of turning, and facing the beast for a fight.

  Chapter 1

  Ten days earlier

  The place was new. A city this time, rather than a small town. I’d needed a change. Had needed to run, I guess, depending on how you looked at it.

  The high school was much larger than my last one. Easily five times the students, stuck right in the center of Grant City. The walls were made of stone and the windows offered views of brick and concrete. I hated it instantly, or so I told myself. Realistically, I recognized that it was not the place I was unhappy with.

  It was my life in general at the moment. Things had taken a nosedive in a record timeframe, and this was my way of dealing with it. I had run, and found that my issues had tagged along with me.

  “Miss Fae?” said the teacher, a mousy woman whose name I hadn’t yet remembered, pulling me from my thoughts. “Do you want to stand up and introduce yourself to the class?” She smiled at me and waved her hands in a come on, get up gesture.

  I suppressed a sigh and stood from my seat. I couldn’t understand why teachers always asked this question. Was anyone’s answer ever really, “Why, yes, I’d love to do that!”

  “My name is Aria,” I said, trying not to fidget. All the attention, the eyes of the other students, made me uncomfortable. “I moved here from Blue Hook. I like reading and long walks on the beach.”

  No one in the class looked particularly impressed. No one even smiled. Feeling like a super butt-wipe, I sighed and took a seat.

  “Thank you, Aria,” said teacher-what’s-her-name. “And welcome to Grant City. I’d imagine it’s quite a change from Blue Hook, but it’s not so bad once you give it a chance.”

  I gave her a small smile. I could sense she was a good person, and despite the rancid air, constant noise, and lack of greenery, maybe city life wouldn’t be so horrible after all. If there was one thing I prided myself on, it was my ability to adapt. I had to believe I could find happiness here, because like my current issues, I knew my happiness came from within me.

  And, yet, my depression was overwhelming; my moods unpredictable, my emotions a roiling sea. My mother was dead, and the people who’d been the closest things I’d had to calling my own had cast me out.

  I was a wanderer, an orphan, a soul without a home.

  These were the conditions under which I arrived in Grant City. Nothing more, nothing less, than that. I’m not sure if that makes all the things that happened next fate, but looking back now, it sure feels like it.

  Click the image below to continue reading The Halfling in the Kindle Store.

  Also by H. D. Gordon

  The Blood Pack Trilogy

  Moon of Fire

  Moon of Shadows

  The Alexa Montgomery Series

  Blood Warrior

  Half Black Soul

  The Rise


  The Aria Fae Series

  The Halfling

  The Masked Maiden

  The Blue Beast

  The Haunted Hero

  The Wolf Wars Series

  Moon Burned

  Moon Broken

  Moon Born

  Heiress of Magic Trilogy

  Born of Magic

  Thief of Magic

  Throne of Magic

  About the Author

  H. D. Gordon is the author of several urban fantasy novels. She is the mother of two amazing daughters, and a lover of kick-ass females, beautiful places, and nerdy t-shirts.

  She believes our actions have ripple effects, and in the sacred mission of bringing love and light to the world.

  When she isn’t reading or writing, she spends her time with family and taking strolls by the sea.

  H. D. resides in southern New Jersey—which she insists is really quite lovely.

  For more information, please visit:

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